THINK is clearly a verb. We know it very well and think that we know everything about it. Well, I want to show you something rather surprising about verb THINK...
We usually say:
I think that...
Uważam, że... / Myslę, że...
I'm thinking about...
Zastanawiam siÄ™ nad...
Verb THINK is usually a STATE VERB, which means that we do not normally use it with -ING ending (= in continuous tenses). However, when it doesn't mean 'believe or have opinion that' (Uważam, że...), but 'consider something' (zastanawiać się nad czymś / rozważać coś) we can use it in the continuous form.
I think that we have made a serious mistake.
Myślę, że zrobiliśmy poważny błąd.
- What are you thinking about?
- I'm thinking about changing my job.
- O czym myślisz?
- Zastanawiam siÄ™ nad zmianÄ… pracy.
We can always use an adverb to modify the verb THINK:
I personally think that....
Osobiście uważam, że...
I really think that...
Na prawdę uważam, że...
I honestly think that...
Szczerze myślę, że...
We can think deeply (poważnie / dogłębnie), carefully (dokładnie / uważnie), long and hard (długo i intensywanie), rationally (racjonalnie), frantically (szalenie) etc.
There is also a possibility of using an adjective or even a noun after verb THINK!
Let's see...
Think big!
(Try to achieve a lot!)
Postaraj się osiągnąć jak najwięcej / więcej
If you want to make money you have to think money.
Jeśli chcesz robić pieniądze, musisz myśleć o pieniądzach.
So, if an adjective follows verb THINK it means that we need to think in a particular way and when there is a noun behind it- it means that we need to think about this particular thing.
think differently = think in a different way
HOW should I think? = differently
pomyśl inaczej
think different = think about or of (something) different
WHAT should I think of? = (something) different
pomyśl: inne / inny
By the way, THINK DIFFERENT was a slogan used in Apple advertising in 1997:
I have come across this funny piece from Funny Face musical where an editor explains what a magazine should be (explicit!) and then she invents the new trend: THINK PINK! Have a look:
It turns out that nowadays fashion magazines also promote THINKING PINK ;)
And the last classic example: THINK SMALL from the VW advertising:
What can I say...
I really think that the verb THINK is worth learning. I also hope that the last sentence is correct :)
OdpowiedzUsuńGood job! I had no idea that there are so many interesting phrases and expressions with this common word.
Witam! Ciekawe i warte przyswojenia ;) ale mam jeszcze pytanie: kiedy możemy użyć THINK z OF? Czy jest to wymienne ABOUT?
OdpowiedzUsuńNie, nie ma większej różnicy, ale mam wrażenie,że OF jest zdecydowanie częstsze w użyciu :)