What's the lowdown on the new guy?
I heard such a sentence somewhere a while ago: 'What's the lowdown on the new guy?' But what's 'the lowdown'?
THE LOWDOWN means the important or interesting information that you need to know about someone or something (po naszemu podstawowe info(rmacje) na temat kogoÅ› lub czegoÅ›;)
Your supervisor will give you the lowdown on how this company operates.
Wasz przełożony przekaże wam podstawowe informacje na temat tego jak działa ta firma.
You'd better give me the lowdown on all the candidates.
Lepiej powiedz mi wszystko to, co powinienem wiedzieć o nowych kandydatach.
I will have to get the lowdown on the case.
Będę musiał zebrać podstawowe informacje na temat tej sprawy.
LOW-DOWN is also an adjective and it means unfair, unpleasant, or dishonest (podły, wredny, nieuczciwy, nikczemny)
dirty low-down tricks
niemoralne / złe podłe sztuczki
If you are interested in getting the lowdown on some recent (and older) news here is what you could take a look at The Lowdown Decoding the News.
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