Euphemisms are milder or more pleasant words or phrases that are used instead of the ones which are offensive or rude. So, if you want to say something in a less direct way, you can use an euphemism. For example, if you don't want to say that somebody died, but you want to sound less direct, you can say - 'He passed away.' DIE means 'umierać', while PASS AWAY means 'ODEJŚĆ', so pass away is 'softer'.
We usually use euphemisms when we have to talk about so called 'sensitive topics' like death, sex, religion or bodily functions or when we want to sound more politically correct.
When you want to go to the toilet or simply ask where it is, you can say:
Where can I powder my nose? (Gdzie mogę przypudrować nosek?)
Where can I see a man about a dog? (Gdzie mogę odcedzić kartofelki?)
Where can I frost a rock? (Gdzie mogę podlać kwiatki?)
Where can I relieve myself? (Gdzie mogę sobie ulżyć?)
You can also say that you are going to the toilet in that manner...
I'm going to shake hands with the bishop. (Idę tam gdzie król chodzi piechotą)
I'm going to see a man about a dog. (Idę odcedzić kartofelki.)
And a very recent one supplied by my friend's boyfriend only yesterday (thanks Tom! Btw):
I'm going to drop the kids off at the pool.
There are many popular euphemisms that are used instead of 'have sex with somebody':
MAKE LOVE (uprawiać miłość)
GO ALL THE WAY (pójść na całego)
If you don't want to say that somebody is FAT, you can use...
He is big-boned. (Ma grube kości)
He is cuddly. (Jest puszysty)
She is full-figured. (Ma pełne kształty)
You already know one euphemism concerning death - PASS AWAY (odchodzić). Let's check out others!
He checked out. (Wymeldował się)
He's been called to a higher place. (Przeniósł się na tamten świat.)
He kicked the bucket. (KopnÄ…Å‚ w kalendarz.)
He's biting the dust. (Gryzie piach)
He's bought the farm. (WyciÄ…gnÄ…Å‚ kopyta)
He's given up the ghost. (WyzionÄ…Å‚ ducha)
He went south. (Odszedł)
She's pushing up daisies. (WÄ…cha kwiatki od spodu)
He has the big C...
Age is another sensitive topic...
He is a seasoned citizen. (Jest wytrawnym obywatelem)
He is advanced in years. (Jest posunięty w latach)
He is a mature individual. (Jest dojrzałą osobą)
He is chronologically-gifted. (Jest uszlachetniony wiekiem)
She's a woman of certain age. (Jest kobietÄ… w pewnym wieku)
She's a woman of substance. (Jest kobietą dojrzałą)
When we want to be politically correct...
instead of saying that somebody is BLIND, we say:
A person with visual impairment. (Osoba z uszkodzonym wzrokiem)
instead of saying that somebody has learning or other difficulties, we can use the expression CHALLENGED:
He is intellectually challenged. (Jest inteligentny inaczej)
instead of saying that somebody is HANDICAPPED or DISABLED, we can say...
He is differently-abled. (Jest sprawny inaczej)
I guess I will need to devote a separate post to political correctness some day ;)...
"He is intellectually challenged." to sformułowanie wygrywa :D
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